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ESPC 2015 - Fredericton (Nouveau-Brunswick)

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My name is Alexandria Schneider, but please call me Alex. I live in Belleville, Ontario, in a very busy house. I attend Albert College and I am in Grade 8. If I had to pick two things that I love most in this world are sports and animals. I play competitive hockey, field hockey, lacrosse, volleyball, basket ball,and soccer and some how never seem to have any free time. The other thing that I am extremely passionate about is animals, I love to study animals, play with them and learn from them. Through my project I got to work and experiment with so many different dogs and learn from them academically and also just have a lot of fun with them. This made my experiment enjoyable and anyone who listens to it can see that I truly love the topic. My future dream is to go to McGill to study science an continue on to Med School and eventually become a neurologist. Though this is a long road I am confident that I can succeed because beyond anything I am determined to succeed!

Alex Schneider

“The Strength of Dogs' Olfactory System Among Different Breeds”.
Ville:Belleville, ON
École:Albert College
Sommaire:“The Strength of Dogs' Olfactory System Among Different Breeds” is a project studying service dogs. Through my experiment I hoped to find the best breed of dog for performing as a service dog. To do this I tested the different dogs' sense of smell because out of all the components in a service dog, sense of smell is the most important.

Prix Valeur
Prix d'excellence - Junior
Médaille de bronze
Sponsor: Sciences jeunesse Canada
Bourse d’études de Western University
Médaillé de bronze - Bourse d'admission de 1 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western
1 000,00 $
Total1 000,00 $