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ESPC 2013 - Lethbridge (Alberta)

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I'm Callum Pickles from Maclennan Jr. High! I'm the CEO/programmer of Livesystem.ca. We are a small company of programmers creating newer and better technology. I also play hockey, drums, baseball, basketball, soccer. I got the idea of my project from friends that were complaining because there was mean pages created about them. So I decided to take a stand in cyber-bullying and create a computer program to stop it! We are also the first company to ever make this kind of compatible computer program. We do have new investigations, I'm trying to get some company's to look at this program and hopefully make some money off my product, or even invest into my company. My advice to other students is like my motto "Keep it simple, and finish what you've started." If you make a computer program like me, never give up. Start with what you've created in your mind, always keep adding to your idea. It's never done till the deed is done.

Callum Pickles

Your Privacy
Région:Cape Breton
Ville:Sydney, NS
École:MacLennan Junior High School
Sommaire:Your Privacy is a computer program to stop cyber-bullying on social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Then alerts the social media website (Facebook Or Twitter) by taking a screenshot of the status or tweet and then sends it off the Facebook or Twitter's email server, or there database.