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ESPC 2017 - Regina (Saskatchewan)

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My name is Jaden Ford, I am 17 years old, and I am from Dawson Creek, British Columbia. Growing up, in a province such as British Columbia, I have always been strongly connected to our beautiful nature and our extensive environment. In 2015, during my travels to Beijing China on an educational exchange, I noticed the devastating air pollution which was present. My travels and world experiences had revealed the shocking truth of pollutants around the world. I began becoming more and more fascinated by how simple processes were irreversibly destroying our global agriculture, and I knew I could do something about it. In 2016, I created a research project titled AIRPOCALYPSE. AIRPOCALYPSE was an investigation into the effect of air pollution on the human respiratory system. I was able to learn of the consequences of air pollution on us as a population, but I then remembered why this all started; my love for the environment. I then created CO2NSEQUENCES, an experiment to find the effect of excess Carbon Dioxide exposure on plant life, growth, and chlorophyll content. This has brought me to where I am today, on my path to pursuing my dream of becoming an Environmental Engineer.

Jaden Ford

Région:Northern British Columbia
Ville:Dawson Creek, BC
École:South Peace Secondary
Sommaire:'CO2NSEQUENCES' is an investigation into the effect of excess Carbon Dioxide (CO2) on plant life, growth, and chlorophyll content. A 28-day, short-term exposure trial, consisting of nine developing Kalanchoe blossfeldiana plant samples was performed. Daily exposure to varying concentrations of CO2 (5.0 grams and 10.0 grams) were tested each day. Measurements, photos, and chlorophyll samples were taken for each plant.

Prix Valeur
Prix d'excellence - Senior
Médaille de bronze
Sponsor: Sciences jeunesse Canada
Bourse d'admission de l'Université d'Ottawa
Médaillé de bronze, sénior – Bourse d’admission de 1 000 $
Sponsor: Université d'Ottawa
1 000,00 $
Bourse d’études de Western University
Médaillé de bronze - Bourse d'admission de 1 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western
1 000,00 $
Total2 000,00 $