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ESPC 2013 - Lethbridge (Alberta)

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Hello, my name is Dylayna Thomas.I am 12 years old. My birthday is January 11 2001. My favorite subject in school is home ec. and English Language Arts. My insiration for my project was from my grandmothers.My favorite thing to do in spare time is listen to music , my favorite band is one direction and i also like playing sports such as soccer and volleyball.I am undecided about my job in the future. My advice for other students that are thinking of doing a project is that doing the work is hard but you will be proud when you accomplish your goal. My most memorible achievement was when i won Best Overall Project at the 2013 FSIN science fair in Saskatoon.

Dylayna Thomas

Anohcītwāwin ēkwa nēhiyawītwāwin “intoh-pahkēkin ēkwa pahkēkin
Région:Saskatchewan First Nations
Ville:debden, SK
École:Ahtahkakoop School
Sommaire:My project is about testing the quality and durability of traditional and commercial tanned hides. The first test I did was soaking them in water, the second test was to stretch the hide until it broke, and the third test was to measure how much weight the hides could hold until they broke. In conclusion, commercial hide proved to be of better quality.