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ESPC 2013 - Lethbridge (Alberta)

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Hi, my name is Nathan Robichaud, and I am from Yarmouth, N.S. I go to Maple Grove, and I like to do several things. I am in Air Cadets, I really love to learn, and this has got me interested in reading about anything and everything I can get my hands on. I have previously gone to Nationals for other competitions, like Heritage Fair, but this is my biggest achievement yet. I first thought about doing my project when I read in Guinness Book of World Records about how telomeres function as aging barriers. I decided to research them, and voila! I had a Science Fair. When I get older, I am going to be a pilot, for small planes, and I would like to pursue a career in medicine. Also, I would lime to do some more skiing. As for tips, I would suggest to find something not that you think that the judges are looking for, but something that interests you, because the point is not to win, it is to learn for yourself. I am really excited to take part in the CWSF, because it is a new experience that sounds great! Thanks!

Nathan Robichaud

Les Télomères
Sommaire:My Science Fair is based on the possibility and probability of the manipulation of a microbiological enzyme called telomerase, which could lengthen telomeres and make you live longer and possibly help against developing cancer, as a cell can commit apoptosis, or become a cancer cell, which lengthens telomeres, which saves the life of the cell. I explain telomeres and my theory, and life expansion.