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ESPC 2018 - Ottawa (Ontario)

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Brooke - I am Brooke Donnelly and I attend Anna McCrea Public School in Sault Ste. Marie Ontario. I enjoy many sports and activities including my travelling soccer team, and competitive dance team. I have had many chances to travel around the world to many places including the Dominican Republic. I love travelling and would love to continue doing so. We got the inspiration to do this project from knowing that microplastics are of increasing concern as a contaminant around the world. In Northern Ontario, we always think of the snow being pure but wondered if it might be contaminated with microplastics. For further investigations with this project, we hope to add more samples from different locations including different cities including from those that have different land uses, such as for agriculture. If I were to give advice to other students doing a project, it would be to take a look at the things around you and ask yourself, why this and why that. Also, never give up! It takes a lot of work but the rewards are all worth it!
Vera - My name is Vera Antunes and I attend Anna McCrea Public School in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. I enjoy many sports and activities including playing the violin and competing in gymnastics as a provincial level 5 gymnast. I have had many chances to travel to different places including Portugal and Germany. I love traveling and would love to see other parts of the world. We got the inspiration for our project from knowing that microplastics are of increasing concern as a contaminant around the world. In Northern Ontario, we always think of the snow being pure but wondered if it might also be contaminated with micro plastics. In future work we hope to add more samples from different locations, including from those that have different land uses, such as for agriculture. If I were to give advice to other students who are thinking about doing a project I would say they should take a look at the world around them and be curious about how it works. I would also recommend that they never give up until they have answers! It may take a lot of work, but seeing the results is always worth it.

Brooke Donnelly, Vera Antunes

Let It Snow?
Région:Algoma Rotary
Ville:Sault Ste. Marie, ON
École:Anna McCrea E.S.
Sommaire:In this study, we looked at how big of an issue microplastics are in the snow. We tested freshly fallen and 5 day old snow from city yards and the forest. Once the snow melted, we looked at every sample under a microscope and recorded the number of micro plastics that we saw. We found many micro plastics of different colours!

Prix Valeur
Prix d'excellence - Junior
Médaille de bronze
Sponsor: Sciences jeunesse Canada
Bourse d’études de Western University
Médaillé de bronze - Bourse d'admission de 1 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western
1 000,00 $
Total1 000,00 $