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CWSF 2013 - Lethbridge, Alberta

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Simulating The Formation and Evolution of Galactic Star Cluster Hyades
Abstract:Using Scientific Programming in Python, three-dimensional simulations showing the formation and evolution of Galactic/Open Star Cluster Hyades were obtained. This simulation used the N-Body Algorithm to explain the gravitational interactions of stars. Via star catalogues containing Cartesian coordinates, a three-dimensional model of present Hyades was computed. This meant the simulation’s initial conditions could be changed until the quantity of stars inside spherical regions resembled Hyades.

Awards Value
International Summer School for Young Physicists Award
Sponsor: Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
$2 500.00
Excellence Award - Senior
Bronze Medal
Sponsor: Youth Science Canada
University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship
Senior Bronze Medallist - $1000 Entrance Scholarship
Sponsor: University of Ottawa
$1 000.00
Western University Scholarship
Bronze Medallist - $1000 Entrance Scholarship
Sponsor: Western University
$1 000.00
Total$4 600.00