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ESPC 2019 - Fredericton (Nouveau-Brunswick)

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My name is Callum Yoker and I am a Grade 8 student at Tecumseh Vista Academy. I have an innate curiosity and I enjoy a great many things in life, but I have an unabashed passion for chess, music and all that is science. I play chess on a competitive level, having competed at the Canadian Youth Chess Championships and the Pan-American Chess Youth Championships. I also love playing the piano, violin, trumpet or French horn. But none of my adventures compare to participating at the Canada Wide Science Fair. My project was largely inspired by my interest in medicine, which is rooted in hopefully one day being able to make a meaningful contribution to the study of Parkinson’s, a disease which my grandfather (my inspiration for chess and science) courageously battles daily. My hope is to expand my project into the field of cellular and molecular genetics and eventually study the causes and potential cures for diseases like Parkinson’s. The advice I would give to other students thinking of doing a project is that creativity and science knows no bounds, and what better way to explore your creative outlets than in a project that inspires you. Just do science!

Callum Yoker

Manipulating Microbial Membrane Permeability to Dyes
Ville:Lakeshore, ON
École:Tecumseh Vista Academy - Elementary
Sommaire:Genetic engineering has incredible applications in medicine, agriculture, and the environment - and it starts at the microscopic level, as in this project with bacteria. Microbes were chemically treated with different electrolytes to determine optimal membrane permeability to dyes, which were used as a substitute for other foreign material, like DNA. The objective achieved was the development of a preliminary model for bacterial genetic engineering.

Prix Valeur
Prix d'excellence - Junior
Médaille d'or
Sponsor: Sciences jeunesse Canada
Prix du défi - Santé
Sponsor: Sciences jeunesse Canada
Bourse d’études de Western University
Médaillé d’or - Bourse d'admission de 4 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western
4 000,00 $
Prix Jeunesse innovante
Sponsor: La Fondation Gwyn Morgan et Patricia Trottier
500,00 $
Total4 500,00 $