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ESPC 2013 - Lethbridge (Alberta)

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My name is Tara Brass, I'm 15 years old and from Little Saskatchwan School. I have 4 sisters and 1 brother, My mom and dad's name are Delma Brass and Earl Brass. I like playing volleyball, basketball and hockey. I've been participating in Science Fairs since I was in grade 5, I was lucky to represent Manitoba First Nation in Canada-Wide Science Fair for two different occasions, the first one was in Peterborough, Ontario in 2010 and this year's CWSF in Lethbridge, Alberta. My Project is all about the Spring Flooding of 2011, specifically, testing the Water Quality in my community borne by this flooding. I've been doing this project for two and a half years now and I plan to do further studies related to Water Quality.

Tara Brass

Testing Water Quality at Little Saskatchewan FN Borne By The 2011 Spring Flooding
Région:Manitoba First Nations
Ville:Gypsumville, MB
École:Little Saskatchewan School
Sommaire:Facing the conditions in which my community, Little Saskatchewan FN right after the Spring Flooding of 2011, I’ve decided to start checking the water quality by getting samples from the river, lake and tap/well water from flood affected and non-flood affected areas for comparison purposes. The testings that I have done were Dissolved Oxygen, Nitrate, pH, Phosphate, Alkalinity, and E-coli content.