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ESPC 2017 - Regina (Saskatchewan)

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Etienne Joulin is a Grade 8 student in Kincardine, Ontario. He enjoys playing the alto saxophone, piano, and trumpet, participating in visual arts, and playing volleyball, swimming, and archery. Etienne spent two years living in Ulsan, South Korea, and a year in Gentilly, Quebec where he studied at a French school. He loves being outdoors, travelling, and experiencing new cuisine. Since Grade 3, Etienne’s aspiration has been to become a neurosurgeon. He has recently developed an interest in the social sciences and psychology. The inspiration for his project came from his love of music and prior research regarding the benefits of Music Therapy. Etienne wanted to determine if there was a correlation between an individual's preference in music and their personality, and see how to use this knowledge during the initial assessment and choice of treatment. Etienne wanted to help advocate for Music Therapy, promote more recognition and support, and explore ways to make it more accessible to everyone. Through his research he realized how inaccessible this therapy really is for individuals living in remote areas and for those without the means to pay for such treatments. Etienne wanted to provide simple, practical recommendations validated by professionals in the field.

Etienne Joulin

Musical Personality
Ville:Tiverton, ON
École:Huron Heights P.S.
Sommaire:Correlations between age, gender, personality and taste in music were studied using extensive research and by analyzing 206 collected surveys. Practical applications were then investigated via interviews with CAMT certified music therapists to help establish Music Therapy as mainstream. It was concluded that Music Therapy could finally become a “real” treatment option, being more affordable for lower income individuals, and more accessible to remote communities.

Prix Valeur
Prix d'excellence - Junior
Médaille de bronze
Sponsor: Sciences jeunesse Canada
Bourse d’études de Western University
Médaillé de bronze - Bourse d'admission de 1 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western
1 000,00 $
Total1 000,00 $