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ESPC 2017 - Regina (Saskatchewan)

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My name is Advait Maybhate. I am a grade 11 student and a SHAD Fellow from Waterloo, Ontario. I am passionate about computer science, the natural sciences and mathematics. In the past, I have worked as a software intern at Christie Digital where I improved their camera calibration tools for projection mapping. My latest love is to compete in hackathons, recently winning the first place prize at WearHacks for my creation of an automated teleprompter for the Pebble smartwatch. I am the school champion of the Pascal, Cayley and Galois math contests, run by the University of Waterloo. Additionally, I love to compete in long distance sports, specifically cross country running and nordic skiing, in which I was the 2016 regional champion. Currently, I am the president of science club and leader of computer science club at my school. I am also a leader of electric car club where we design and manufacture 24V electric cars. I wanted to create a project in which I could integrate my love for computer science with biology. I managed to accomplish this objective by working in the field of bioinformatics, specifically by identifying motifs in genetic sequences in a new way.

Advait Maybhate

A New Approach to Motif Discovery
Ville:Waterloo, ON
École:Laurel Heights S.S.
Sommaire:Discovering the relationship between genetic sequences and their biological function is crucial to the understanding of life. Samples of genetic sequences can be computationally analyzed to identify significant patterns, termed motifs. Such motifs can be linked to specific functions e.g. PITX1 motif has been linked to limb development. This project proposes a new approach to motif discovery, increasing its speed without compromising accuracy.

Prix Valeur
Prix de la Société statistique du Canada
Sponsor: Société statistique du Canada
1 000,00 $
Prix d'excellence - Sénior
Médaille d'argent
Sponsor: Sciences jeunesse Canada
Bourses d'admission de la Faculté des sciences de l’Université Dalhousie
Médaillé d’argent, sénior - Bourse d'admission de 2 500 $
Sponsor: Université Dalhousie, Faculté des sciences
2 500,00 $
Prix d'admission en sciences de UBC (Vancouver)
Médaillé d’argent, sénior - Bourse d'admission de 2 000 $
Sponsor: The University of British Columbia (Vancouver)
2 000,00 $
Bourse d'admission de l'Université d'Ottawa
Médaillé d’argent, sénior - Bourse d'admission de 2 000 $
Sponsor: Université d'Ottawa
2 000,00 $
Bourse d’études de Western University
Médaillé d’argent - Bourse d'admission de 2 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western
2 000,00 $
Total9 500,00 $