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ESPC 2019 - Fredericton (Nouveau-Brunswick)

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My name is Alex. I am 13 years old, in grade 8 and live in Ontario. I love sports and I play hockey in the winter and soccer in the summer. I was inspired to do this project through a post on Facebook I saw. It was asking people what colours they seen in a certain picture and a substitute teacher and i both seen it differently. In the future I want to see if how we see colours could be through learned behaviour. For example most people seen the emotion of love in my experiment as the colour red. Could it be because we live in a country who celebrates Valentine's and everything is coloured in red. What colour would someone pick to represent love if they were from a country that doesn't celebrate Valentine's day. Or what if we grew up in a place where they coloured hearts yellow instead of red? would that change the outcome of my test results? I enjoyed doing this project. My advise to other students would be "if you see something that intrigues you then challenge it". Don't stop looking for answers, that's how we learn new things.

Alexander Rozic

Do You See What I See?
Ville:Trenton, ON
École:St. Paul Catholic S.S.
Sommaire:I studied whether people with different eyes colours would see colours differently through a variety of ways from colours, object, moods and an online deficiency test. I find it interesting that one person might claim a object is orange, yet another will swear it is red. I think this study make a difference because colours influence our emotions and our actions throughout our lives.

Prix Valeur
Prix d'excellence - Junior
Médaille de bronze
Sponsor: Sciences jeunesse Canada
Bourse d’études de Western University
Médaillé de bronze - Bourse d'admission de 1 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western
1 000,00 $
Total1 000,00 $