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ESPC 2018 - Ottawa (Ontario)

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Sabrina - Hello, I'm Sabrina Zaidi, a 16 year old grade 11 pre-AP student of Richmond Hill High School. I grew up with my twin brother in Richmond Hill. I currently enjoy spending my free time as an avid figure skater and assistant skating coach. I also do ballet, and recently took the 8th grade Royal Academy of Dance ballet exam. I have various other hobbies, including camping, hiking, fishing, skiing, playing ukuele, and listening to rock music. At school, I play the flute in the national-level RHHS Gold Band, I'm the president of Breakfast Program, and founding president of Neuroscience Club. Spending lots of time outdoors made me attached to this world we call home, and it would be a shame for such a beauty to go to waste. This is why my partner Kamron and I, aim to minimize the resource crisis of the future using fogponics. Following suit with my passion for biology, I aim to pursue environmental or health science in the future. My life is driven by curiosity, and I would advise anyone wishing to partake in the science fair to always think out of the box and be curious! Dare to question the world around you.
Kamron - I'm a Grade 11 student at Richmond Hill High School, and this is my third Canada-Wide Science Fair. I love science, engineering, and mathematics, and I have competed in several competitions pertaining to those subjects. Additionally, I enjoy music, and I play the piano, bass clarinet, and recorder. Our high school senior band, which I am a part of, is competing at the Music Fest Canada ("The Nationals") at the same time as CWSF. Other than academic activities, I am a figure skater, and I also help teach kids how to skate. In the future, I plan on studying nanotechnology engineering at Waterloo or machine learning at University of Toronto. Me and my old partner stumbled upon fogponics in 2015 while looking for more advanced techniques of hydroponics. We worked together on fogponics till 2017, and now I am taking it a step further with my twin sister, Sabrina Zaidi. In the future, we plan to further explore different treatments that can be addded to fogponics to enhance it by even greater amounts. My advice to other students who want to do a project: the difference between a good project and a great project is time, dedication and effort.

Sabrina Zaidi, Kamron Zaidi

The Effect of Surface Tension on Plant Growth in Fogponics
Ville:Richmond Hill, ON
École:Richmond Hill H.S.
Sommaire:Our project explores the impact of reducing the surface tension of water growing lettuce in a fogponics unit, where roots are suspended in fog. The experiment shows that reducing the surface tension in fogponics promotes leaf growth, uses less water, and uses less fertilizer than in traditional fogponics. This proves that using surfactant in fogponics can help solve the resource depletion crisis of the future.

Prix Valeur
Prix de la fondation « Nutriments pour la vie »
Sponsor: Nutrients for Life Foundation Canada
1 000,00 $
Prix d'excellence - Sénior
Médaille d'argent
Sponsor: Sciences jeunesse Canada
Bourses de l’Université Carleton
Médaillé d'argent, sénior - Bourse d'admission de 2 000 $
Sponsor: Université Carleton
2 000,00 $
Bourses d'admission de la Faculté des sciences de l’Université Dalhousie
Médaillé d’argent, sénior - Bourse d'admission de 2 500 $
Sponsor: Université Dalhousie, Faculté des sciences
2 500,00 $
Prix d'admission en sciences de UBC (Vancouver)
Médaillé d’argent, sénior - Bourse d'admission de 2 000 $
Sponsor: The University of British Columbia (Vancouver)
2 000,00 $
Bourse d'admission de l'Université d'Ottawa
Médaillé d’argent, sénior - Bourse d'admission de 2 000 $
Sponsor: Université d'Ottawa
2 000,00 $
Bourse d’études de Western University
Médaillé d’argent - Bourse d'admission de 2 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western
2 000,00 $
Total11 500,00 $