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ESPC 2019 - Fredericton (Nouveau-Brunswick)

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Hello, uvanga Dustin Issaluk. My name is Dustin. I am from Chesterfield Inlet Nunavut, a small community along the Hudson Bay. I am a grade 9 student at Victor Sammurtok School and grew up learning two languages, Inuktitut and Qablunaatitut (English). My three favourite hobbies are: going out land with my family, playing videogames, and qajaq (kayaking). The inspiration for my project came from my sister, who also went to CWSF in 2010 and won a bronze medal. For future investigations, I plan to test more sunglasses which have different types of lens. The advice I would give to other students thinking about doing a project is always focus, try their very best, and enjoy the process.

Dustin Issaluk

Here Comes the Sun Glasses
Ville:Chesterfield Inlet, NU
École:Victor Sammurtok
Sommaire:My project is about investigating how traditional Inuit snow goggles compare to modern sunglasses. I created a light box that I used to measure the amount of UV rays that we filtered out by the different lenses. I tested ten different sunglasses, one set of Inuit snow goggles, and a control group to determine the best type of lenses against UV rays.