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ESPC 2007 - Truro (Nouvelle-Écosse)

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Fern - My name is Fern Leavens and I am presently an eleventh grade student attending the Fernie Secondary School in the East Kootenays of British Columbia. I have participated in the CWSF for the past three years, and have gained a great deal of knowledge through my experiences thus far. I plan to continue with my involvement in the sciences for the rest of my life and hope to ensure that programs such as these will continue to be available to the youth across our country. I have been studying the same topic since my first year as a participant and I am very passionate about my work up to this point. I feel that I could truly make a different with my findings and therefore plan to further my involvement in this area. I have always been on the honour role in school and have been fortunate enough to be awarded with distinction in my grade for the past three years. After high school I plan to further my education and go on to become a biomedical engineer. I hope to contribute to the medical field through conducting research and doing my part in designing new Canadian medical technologies.
Carly - My name is Carly Proudfoot and I am a grade eleven student at Fernie Secondary School, in the East Kootenays of British Columbia. This is my third year attending Nationals along with my partner Fern Leavens. I love playing sports, competing in public speaking and taking part in my 4-H club. Recently I won a trip through a 4-H camp, to attend the national 4-H conference in Washington DC along with nine other fellow Canadians, and three hundred American members. I believe trips such as this conference and of course Science Fairs, encourage young people to do something in their world, and I’m very happy to be a part of that. I take pride in my schoolwork and have been very fortunate to have been presented with the opportunity of compete in the science fair program for many years. My partner and I are very passionate about our project and will continue to work with it in the future. After High School I plan to pursue medicine and become a Doctor.

Fern Leavens, Carly Proudfoot

Fluoride: Formula for Destruction
Division:Génie et sciences de l'informatique / Aucun
Région:East Kootenay
Ville:Jaffray, BC, Grasmere, BC
École:Fernie Secondary School
Sommaire:The effects of fluoride on agricultural and marine plants were investigated. An algebraic formula was developed determining growth decrease of corn as affected by fluoride concentration and exposure period. A comparison of fluoridated cabomba’s oxidization rates was attempted, although aborted due to organisms inability to survive introduction of fluoride.

Prix Valeur
Mention honorable - Sciences de la terre et de l’environnement
Sponsor: Pétro-Canada
100,00 $
Total100,00 $