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ESPC 2010 - Peterborough (Ontario)

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My name is Monica Loreen, and I am from Inuvik, Northwest Territories. I am currently in grade nine at Samuel Hearne Secondary School. I'm confident, proud, and happy. My family and friends keep me going. This is my second science fair project and this is my first CWSF. I love to play the violin and I am currently learning how to play the piano and the guitar. I like to be outdoors: suntan, bike, and go for nice walks. My favorite subjects are Math, Science, and English. I'd like to be famous one day either as an actress, singer or dancer.

Monica Loreen

In a Blink of an Eye
Ville:Inuvik, NT
École:Samuel Hearne Secondary School
Sommaire:My project demonstrates how a person's reaction time can be affected when they operate a cell phone. First I tested a person’s natural reaction time and then repeated the test twice more, once while receiving a phone call and once while receiving a text. I found that everyone’s reaction time increases while taking a call and increases even greater when responding to a text message.