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ESPC 2018 - Ottawa (Ontario)

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I am an aspiring entrepreneur intrigued by the workings of society and the pursuit of a economically and environmentally harmonious society. I am especially enthralled by the numerous wonders to be beheld in a scientifically advanced society. Regarding my project, I was particularly inspired by those in the developing world who to not have the economic ability to create sustainable energy, especially regarding mobility. Therefore my next goal would be to obtain a commercial patent for our hydrogen fuel in order to mass produce the product and eventually sell it commercially. I believe our product will one day be integrated seamlessly with am traditional gasoline engine. This is my first science fair experience and I am incredibly surprised at our generators instant success. In the end hard work and dedication prevail and success will follow suit. Sometimes I wonder what my future beholds in terms of mentor-ship. One day perhaps.

Wilfred Mason

Self-Assembling Bio-Photocells
Ville:Laval, QC
École:Collège Marianopolis
Sommaire:The purpose of this project is to design self-assembling solar cells which are inspired by the way plants and certain types of bacteria absorb sunlight. To create these solar panels, genetic and structural modifications were performed on a photosynthetic bacteria in order to obtain proteins wrapped in nanotubes which could be used to generate and store charge in biological solar cells when flashed with light.

Prix Valeur
Prix Jeunesse innovante
Sponsor: La Fondation Gwyn Morgan et Patricia Trottier
1 000,00 $
Prix d'excellence - Sénior
Médaille d'argent
Sponsor: Sciences jeunesse Canada
Bourses de l’Université Carleton
Médaillé d'argent, sénior - Bourse d'admission de 2 000 $
Sponsor: Université Carleton
2 000,00 $
Bourses d'admission de la Faculté des sciences de l’Université Dalhousie
Médaillé d’argent, sénior - Bourse d'admission de 2 500 $
Sponsor: Université Dalhousie, Faculté des sciences
2 500,00 $
Prix d'admission en sciences de UBC (Vancouver)
Médaillé d’argent, sénior - Bourse d'admission de 2 000 $
Sponsor: The University of British Columbia (Vancouver)
2 000,00 $
Bourse d'admission de l'Université d'Ottawa
Médaillé d’argent, sénior - Bourse d'admission de 2 000 $
Sponsor: Université d'Ottawa
2 000,00 $
Bourse d’études de Western University
Médaillé d’argent - Bourse d'admission de 2 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western
2 000,00 $
Total11 500,00 $